11/14/2020 Work Session

Modest day in terms of crews, but Dick, Hanna, Cully, and Aldin were on hand and we did small things in a great way. Hanna really got into her projects by removing a great deal of debris from the steam chest and bagging it. A great deal of boiler compound, tons of cinders, and rust flakes. She and Dick then went to work removing all the rivets in the tender trim. We did not get a chance to complete the few remaining in the grab irons, as those will likely require heat, and the guys were actively using the torch.

Cully, Aldin, and Dick purchased another tank of acetylene, then went to work stripping the third course of the boiler. That went really well, including removal of the power reverse bracket and the drain plug, as well as the step-up below the sand dome. Unfortunately, Cully and Aldin are off for the duration of the Merry Covid Christmas break from University, so that will hamper further work until a new crew takes their places.

Leverett and Dick gave a tour to Jeff Jacobs and secured a grant from the Jacobs Family Foundation, which should cover #1 truck brake rigging repair and possibly more. If any remains, we have permission to use it for the completion of steel purchase for the cab.