Brian, Paul VS and Bob dedicated this weekend to making HUGE progress on the cab!
First, they worked on setting more rivets in the side walls. This work was made easy due to the magnetic drill and the new portable hydraulic rivet setting press from scratch in his home shop. See the 2/10/2024 work session post for more details about the new press. This marked the first test of using the press hand held and mobile. Two people were able to handle it pretty well, with the third person inserting the hot rivet and operating the press. This process is much easier (and quieter!) than driving rivets with the air hammer and bucking bar. There was a 100% success rate and no do overs! We are so happy with the consistency of rivets set with this method.

Another milestone was reached with final decisions made about the placement of the front windows. With the decision made, the guys laid out the design and started cutting with the plasma torch. Now the cab now has a proper face!

Next on the list will be making the window framing to fit the openings. The glass will go into steel frames that are hinged to swing outwards. If you have an interest in hands on work at the NESCo shop, please contact us.