6/6/2020 Work Session

Present for at least part of the day were Bill Alexander, Liam Jannsen, James Noblini, Dick Glueck, and Roger Bennatti.  Leverett, Ron, Al, and others spent a great deal of the day working on DESR chores, including track work and prepping a repaint on the MEC coach.

Liam and Dick spent the day needle scaling at the open door.  Bill worked on the removal of grease and dust from the #2 truck bolster, as well as some priming.  Roger primed a great deal of truck steel, as did Liam. James worked on loosening nuts from the boiler exterior. 

Of course, the big show was removal of the superheater tubes.  Ron Jenkins and Leverett removed two sets of superheater tubes, thanks in no small part to Myron and Collie Moody's efforts last weekend. These appear to the eye and hammer tap to be solid; however, a hydrostatic test will tell more.  Each tube is tagged with a code for the row and set. "1-2" translates to "first row, second set".  Steel tags on the sets are dated for February of 1940, so these were probably installed either then or in the last major shopping of 1947.