12/29/2020 Stoker Update

Over the past few weeks, volunteer Bob D. unpacked the stoker project and got back to working on it. Still lots to get done, but he has been able to do some assembly work.

Bob acquired new crankshaft main roller bearings. These may well be the only roller bearings on the locomotive. Bob preheated the bearings to 150 F to allow a drop on installation.

Then the crankshaft was installed in the block.

The below view shows one of the crossheads cleaned up. Bob decided it merited a bit of fanciness so he jeweled the sides. Nobody will see it, but according to Bob, “it gives me warm feelings. Someday someone will open this up and say ‘hey look at this!’”

The first shot below shows the second main rod ready for install. Bearing clearances are excellent. The next shot is looking thru the top access cover at the crosshead. Wristpin head was polished to accent the jeweling.

Both main rods installed and connected to the crossheads. Turns smooth as silk. Compare this to the view of the same area when Bob started this project!