10/17/2020 Work Session

No pictures to share this time, but in terms of work, Jim, Cully (new student volunteer), Paul VS, and Dick worked all day on the firebox wrapper and the right side of the firebox. Left side is almost completed, excepting the catwalk brackets, air tank brackets, and single step. As a group, we removed both cab brackets, the steps, a number of pipe holders, one broken handrail stanchion, and 52 flexible staybolt caps. We repositioned two staging set-ups and purchased another tank of acetylene. 

We finished around 3:30, picked up the tools and locked up.  We were exhausted, but felt pretty good, having made some significant advances.

Ron obtained two quality step ladders for us, and has made significant progress in drilling rivet holes in the tender tank.

Poland Spring Company donated twenty cases of water (24 bottles each) for our crews to drink while on the job.

Things are moving at the shop, which, by the way, was dry, largely to Paul's efforts battening down the building skirt.